The Farm News.
We are being catapulted into the growing season with the warm weather this year so it feels like we are behind sometimes, but in reality we are on schedule for a normal year. We got our three thousand strawberries planted as well as 50 rhubarb and 300 raspberries. The first of the potatoes went in on May 1st and we are about one third done planting them. The greenhuose was bursting at the seams but we have begun to set some cold hardy seedling out so there is now some room for things to grow and also to plant the next round of transplnts. We still need to get out the 20 trays of onions out, but they are doing fine. As you can see from the pictures below we are planting seeds directly into the garden now and the first greens and radishes from those planting should be ready around the first of June.
The new 30 x 72 greenhouse went up quickly on a Saturday afternoon with all of the help we had, and many people camped out that night and stayed the next day to help out with the cabins. Thanks again everyone for all the help!! There still is quite bit of work to do , but we are hoping to get the tomatoes,and some eggplants and peppers in there for the summer so they are not so susceptible to late blight.
I am excited that Francie Morgan and Eric MacLean will be joining me for the summer on the farm. They have already been a great help getting things ready to go and I really appreciate their enthusiasm. You can see them planting seed in the pictures below.
It has been very busy lately so it has been hard to get posts up, but I will try to keep things up to date.
Our new greenhouse.
Watch the video on Youtube
Eric amd Joe building the floor for a cabin

Francie planting some salad greens

Me on the cub at work in the potato field

The first rainbow of the season

One of the lettuce mix beds

Making garden beds with the cub. This tractor originally belonged to my great uncle Lester Carr who used it on his farm for many years but maintained it in great conditon.We are very happy to have this little tractor and it will save a lot of work this summer.

Eric planting beets